1- Establish and apply flexible tariffs that take into account the time-of-use particularly for bulk power customers in order to conserve energy and to improve load management.
2- Encourage industrial customers to shift their loads for better load management and energy conservation during summer peak hours which will result in saving capital investments.
3- Improve the transmission and distribution networks efficiency in order to reduce energy losses.
4- Promote the co-operation between the universities, research centers and electric sectors in the fields of studies and researches aiming for better energy utilization and conservation.
5- Establish distribution control centers for better operation and follow-up on load management and energy conservation programs.
6- Encourage the usage of high efficient electrical equipment and appliances.
7- Encourage the use of thermal insulation in building, industrial facilities and residential houses.
8- Continue studying the factors and conditions that are related to load growth and electric energy consumption in the GCC Countries in order to improve planning methodologies and resource utilization.
9- Adopt and apply the standards to improve power factor particularly in industrial areas.
10- Encourage cooperation between concerned parties in the electric sectors, Utilities and Engineering Consulting offices to insure implementation of standards and regulations on electric energy conservation.
11- Intensify energy conservation awareness programs through the media and educational means.