By Laws


The GCC Regional Committee for Large Electric System (GCC CIGRE) is a regional committee and member of the International Council for Large Electric Systems (CIGRE), which deals with electric power systems issues related to generation, transmission and distribution. The Committee aspires the active participation of all engineers and scientists working in the electric power system in the GCC states. The Committee was established following the recommendation of T.H. GCC Ministers for Electricity &Water in their 2nd meeting in Kuwait on April 22, 1985, upon which the GCC secretariat has drawn the Committee bylaws in cooperation with the Interactions of CIGRE Secretary General. During their third meeting held in Riyadh, K.S.A on September 24, 1986 T.H. GCC Electricity &Water Ministers approved the suggested bylaws.

By laws

Article 1 –Formation

A permanent Regional Committee is set up under the name of GCC Regional Committee for high voltage power systems, hereinafter called “the Committee”.
The Committee shall become a member in the International conference on Large High – Voltage Electric Systems, (CIGRE) of Paris, France.
The Committee shall be governed by its Bylaws, in accordance with the laws and agreements regulating all Gulf Cooperation Council activities, and is as such under the auspices of the same.
The Committee shall enjoy the legal status enabling the successful execution of its objectives.
The Committee’s head office shall be in Doha, Qatar.

Article 2 – Objective

The objectives of the Committee are to facilitate and promote the interchange of technical Knowledge and information between GCC members and related countries in the general field of electricity generation and transmission at high voltage. Its main fields of interest are: A. Electric Power Generation.B. Construction &operation of Transmission Substations and its auxiliary equipment.C. Construction, Insulation &Operation of High Voltage Transmission O/H lines & cables.D. Interconnection System, Operation &Protection.

Article 3 – Means

The Committee is to achieve its objective by suitable means which include:

Participation in and encouraging members to play active role in seminars and annual conferences (Sessions) in accordance with article 16 of the CIGRE Bylaws.
Promoting of discussion of operational problems in the power systems of member states.
Establishment of relations with different firms, departments, engineers, teaching staff &others concerned in different states to achieve the objectives under Article2.
Cooperation with the International Organizations in different states.
Promoting technological research locally, regionally and internationally.

Article 4-Membership and Fees

The Committee membership is made of normal & legal bodies which are interested in cooperation in electric power field, whether they are not of GCC nationality or residing in GCC states.The membership categories are as follows:

Individual membership.
Collective membership including:

i) Legal bodies of industrial or commercial nature.ii) Educational and Research establishments.iii) Establishments, Public Cooperation’s, Scientific/Technical Organizations.

Donor membership providing financial assistance.
Honorary membership to be awarded by the Administrative Council in recognition of an outstanding service or scientific value. Membership applications to be forwarded to the Administrative Council which is authorized to accept or reject the application without an indication of reasons. Members are not to pay fees as proposed by the Administrative Council and approved by the General Assembly.

Article 5- Advantage of Membership

The Administrative Council determines the advantages of membership of the Committee, which may include the following: to take part in the sessions (under conditions deter-mined by the council) i.e. to present papers and to take in technical discussions and general events organized on these occasions;
To take part in technical work and specially to be appointed as a member of a study Committee, Working Group, or discussion panels.
To receive free or at reduced rates all documents published by CIGRE notably the periodical technical review “Electra” which amongst other things gives information on activities of CIGRE.
To apply to the central office of the Committee for any information which they desire and which the central office may be able to supply or obtain.
To receive from the central office introduction to CIGRE members in related countries, and thus to obtain any assistance which may be useful to them.

Non-member can participate in the session in accordance to article 5a.

Article 6 –Structure

The Organizational structure of the Committee consists of the general Assembly, The Administrative Council, the technical Committee and study Committees together with other working groups which the Council may decide to form.

Article 7 -General Assembly

Ordinary meetings are to be arranged once every two years. The general Assembly consists of all members of the Committee, the general Assembly shall be called, on a decision of the council, by the secretary at least one month before the date fixed, the agenda shall be sent with the calling notice. An extra ordinary General Assembly meeting may be called at the direction of the council, or at the request of 15% of the votes (minimum or 20 members) at a minimum of two months notice. The agenda and any supporting papers must be sent out with the notice calling the meeting, and the discussion at the meeting shall be strictly confined to the agenda items for which proper notice has been given. A quorum shall consist of more than 30% of the members entitled to vote.

Article 8 -Duties of the General Assembly

The general Assembly will monitor the Committee activities and will be authorized to carry out the following tasks: A. Receive the report of the Administrative Council and that of the auditors.B. Considers and approves, the balance sheet and accounts of the Committee.C. Elects the Administrative council members in accordance with Article 9 or dismiss them.D. Appoints the legal Auditors, who must not be members of the Committee.E. Fixes the amount of membership annual Subscriptions.F. Modification of the Committee bylaws. No question may be addressed to the general assembly at less than 15days notice and without having been previously considered by the council.

Article 9 -General Assembly Chairmanship & Voting! Decision Making Regulations

The chairman of the Council shall be the president of the Committee. When absent, the council shall elect one of its members from amongst the attendants to preside for the meeting only. Decisions of the General Assembly are taken by a simple majority of the votes of those present or represented at the meeting, in the case of equal division of votes; the president has the casting vote. At a general assembly each collective or patron member is entitled to send one Representative with five votes and each individual member has one vote. Every member (Patron, Collective, or individual) may be represented at a general assembly by any member of the Committee who will debate and vote in the member’s by means of a written authorization to be submitted to the secretary of the Committee.

Article 10-Administrative Council

The operations of the Committee shall be administrated by an administrative Council, the composition of which shall be as follows: A. One member appointed by each GCC member states.B. One member appointed by GCC secretariats.C. Eight elected members by the General Assembly for 4 years, half of them to be elected every 2 years.D. The past president of the Committee as a consultant:The chairman stays in office from the time of his appointment or election until the following General Assembly. The Council is invested with all the powers of management and administration of the Committee between two consecutive General Assemblies. Vacancies of elected members may be filled by decision of the council itself. In the absence of the President from a Council meeting the council shall elect one of its members then resent to preside for that meeting only. A quorum shall consist of more than one half of the members entitled to vote.In meetings of the Council, decisions shall be taken by a simple majority of the votes of members present. The president shall not normally vote, but if the votes are equally divided the president shall decide on the action to be taken. The council shall meet, at least once a year.

Article 11-Chairman

The Administrative Council shall elect once every two years from among its members a chairman of the Committee. Voting shall be by secret ballot according the council rules. The term of office of the chairman cannot be renewed for more than 6 years.The chairman will preside at meetings of the General Assembly, the administrative Council and the Executive Committee and also of any extraordinary General Assembly. In case of death, incapacity or resignation of the chairman, the Council shall immediately proceed to the election of successor, if necessary by correspondence.

Article 12-Working Committees

The Council shall form the necessary Working Committees & assigning its duties, bylaws and its relations with each other. These Committees are composed of the following:

Technical Committee

The Council appoints its members as follows:- -

Three members of the Board of Directors elected for a period of two years and of whom one is chosen by the council as chairman of the technical Committee: these three members must not be study Committee Chairman.
The Study Committee Chairman.
Committee Office Manager (The Secretary).

Study Committee (Panels)

The Panels are responsible for the study of particular problems within their terms of reference (fixed by the Council) and for the organization and control of their discussion meetings during the sessions. They must be composed only of members of the Committee, and are elected by the Council. The Chairmen of the Panels are appointed by the council for a term of six years which is not renewable but may be extended to eight years by special resolution of the council.

Article 13-Secretary and Central Office

The Board of Directors shall appoint a paid Secretary who shall be responsible for:-

a. The day-to-day administration of the Committee with the help of the additional staff as necessary

b. Liaison between an reporting on the activities of the study Committees.

c. The preparation of the meetings of the Board of Directors, and the Technical Committee, and the drawing up of the minutes.

d. Liaison between the Committee and other International Organizations.

e. The organization of the participation in the sessions.

f. Supervision of the Committee Financial Affairs.

Article 14-Finance

The Committee shall secure its income from membership-annual subscriptions, grants, and donations to ensure the Committee’s financial independence. The funds of the Committee shall be managed by the council. The council may delegate to the president, with the right to sub-delegate to the Secretary of the Committee the necessary powers in matters Concerning administration and financial transactions. The financial period shall be from 1st January to 31st December of the following year. The accounts for the financial period, after verification by the Auditors, shall be submitted for theapproval of the General Assembly.

Article 15-Languages

The official languages for all meetings and publications of the Committee shall be Arabic and English.

Article 16-Rules of Procedure

Rules of Procedure shall be prepared and adopted by the Board of Directors. They may be amended or added to by the council from time to time as necessary.

Article 17-Interpretations and Amendment of the Bylaws

Any request for the amendment of the bylaws must be submitted to the Board of Directors which alone can present it to an extraordinary General Assembly specially called for in accordance with Article 7. Adoption of any amendments of the bylaws shall receive approval of not less than two third of the caste votes in the meeting.

Donor Members

Energoprojekt Entel Ltd


ACWA Power

Saudi Arabia

Oman Electricity Transmission Co.


GCC Interconnection Authority (GCCIA)

Saudi Arabia

Collective Members

Midal Cables Company Limited


Riyadh Cables Group of Companies

Saudi Arabia

IMCO Engineering and Construction Co W.L.L



Saudi Arabia

Intelligent Devices and Systems

United Arab Emirates

Bahra cables Company

Saudi Arabia

Al Ahleia Switchgear Co.
